Thursday, August 11, 2011

Emerson's Art Work {Boat Rescue}

 Aunt Jessica brought home some art supplies for the kids to paint.  I don't think that Emerson has ever painted a picture before, and he LOVED it.  Here is the master piece that he came up with.

Later he started telling me about the painting and he has kept the same story which goes:

"This is a boat floating in the water. 
It goes splash. 
That is a a plane that come to the rescue.
The boat can float again."
He has the best imagination.


Dena said...

What a great Painting!! I love when kids start doing art.

Natalie Putnam said...

I loved hearing him tell the story of his painting. He is so adorable! I can't wait to see him again :)

Emily Christiansen said...

Love it! You should for sure frame it.