Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Piper Jane {One Month}

Piper Jane is one month.  Time has flown by so fast.  She has been such a joy to have in our family  We have had some adjusting to do with a newborn baby. 

Some things about Piper this month:
  • wears newborn diapers
  • wears newborn cloths
  • weighed 9 lbs 2 oz. (75%) at 2 weeks
  • length was 21.5 inches (88%) at 2 weeks
  • nurses exclusively
  • eats about 10 times a day
  • sleeps about 4-6 hour stretches at night
  • sleeps most of the day
  • her hair turns red in the sunlight
  • loves being swaddled
  • takes a nuk pacifer
  • sleeps in the bassinett next to Mom's side of the bed
  • occationally ends up in bed with Mom and Dad during the night
  • cries most evenings
  • cries when Daddy holds her
  • likes her hands up by her face when unswaddled
  • goes cross eyed frequently
  • first outing was to the doctors office and Target
We love Piper so much.  It had been such a joy having her here and we can't wait to see how she continues to grow. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Piper's First Bath

Today, we gave Piper her first bath since she is already having explosive diapers.  She didn't really care for it and used that set of pipes that she was destined to have with a name like Piper.
Even though she didn't really like the bath, she was absolutely adorable all wrapped up in her towel.  See for yourself the cuteness...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Welcome Piper!

Piper Jane Bills
September 23, 2012
1:50 PM
8 LBS 7 OZ
20.75 INCHES

We have finally welcomed our little baby girl into our family this week.  She came out so beautiful and full of life.  She also came with a strong set of lungs as she cried for about a full hour after she was born.  (I would too if I came the way she did.)

READ ON FOR HER BIRTH STORY---(Pictures are at the end if you want to skip the whole story.)

For about a week before Piper joined us, at least once a day I thought my water had broken, but I would give it about an hour and then I would be dry so I concuded that it was just sweat from the hot days we have been having.  I went to the Doctor on Friday and she checked if I was progressing and said that I was at 4 cm dialated and 90% effaced.  She said that she was really scared that she was going to break my water while she was checking and that she would be shocked if I lasted to the next appointment.

My mom came into town on Saturday night, and I was wanting to be sure to have the baby at the beginning of her trip instead of toward the end.  So I walked around the parking lot at IKEA for abot an hour while waiting for my mom's plane to land.   Then Jason suggested that we shouldn't be walking so much because I wanted to be able to go to Emerson's first Primary Program the following day.  So I stopped and was going to continue walking a lot the next day after church. 

I slept the whole night on Sunday and woke up at 6:57 AM needing to run to the bathroom and when I was done, it wouldn't stop.  My water definately had broken!  So I woke everyone up, and we headed to the hospital. 

On the way to the hospital, I started having some minor contraction, but not very bad.  We arrived at the hospital abour 8:00 am.  Once I was at the hospital, they took me to Triage to be sure that I was in labor and that my water had really broken...as the gushing amounts of water wasn't enough.  They checked me while I was in Triage.  I was at 6 cm and still 90%  effaced, and my water had definately broken according to their test, so it was time to take my to the Labor and Delivery room at about 8:45 am. 

Once I was in my room and the got the dreaded IV in (which was the best one I have ever gotten), came the big question that had been looming over me my whole pregnancy...natural or epidural?  I realized at that point that I hadn't done any realy research on the topic, but knew that the epidural was so scary before.  So, I decided that I was going to try it with no epidural as long as I could handle it in hopes that I could do it naturally. 

At 11:30 am, they checked me again and I was still at 6 cm and 100% effaced and in a WHOLE LOT of pain!  So I decided that I would try to IV pain meds before moving on to an epidural. Those drugs we fantastic!  I was able to rest and not be a huge amount of pain. After about 45 minutes the pain started coming back and it was full force again after an hour.  I got a second round of the meds at 12:30 and was able to rest again.  Then at 1:15, the pain started to come back and this time a whole lot more painful than before. 

My doctor came in at 1:20 and decided to check my progress.  I was still at 6 cm, and my contractions had become a lot less frequent and irregular during the last hour.  So, she decided to give me a whisp of pitocin in hopes that it would make me progress a little faster.  With the dreaded news of still being a 6 after 6 hours of labor, I asked for the epidural.  They had me use the restroom before I got the epidural.  While using the restroom, I had a couple contractions and  I felt really constipated and needing to go.  I decided that I didn't want to deal with that I would use stool softener after and deal with all that after the baby got here.  So, I went out to get my epidural.  At that point they kicked my mom out of the room and had Jason go hold my legs.  I had a couple terrible contractions while they were explaining the epidural and practicing putting it in.  Then she started the epidural.  In the middle of her putting it in, I just had to poop and it wasn't going to stay in until after the baby came.  The anesthesiologist finished up putting the catheder in my back while I was crying and the most painful poop I had ever had was coming with no way to stop it!  As soon as she finished, the nurse got me on my back and took off my pad and said "the head's here!!!"  This is when the chaos started!  I must have gone into a shock of some kind because I could not stop screaming because of the extreme pain. 

*This is the point where Jason had to tell me the details because I didn't really get them outside of the constant screaming.*

The nurse pulled the emergency cord and flocks of nurses came running in and the doctor came rushing in.  When the doctor came in, Piper's head was already out and all she needed to do was get me to push the body out.  Before they could get the bed broken down,she had me push three times, and Piper was here!!!   

Since my Mom was in the hall, she has a different point of view.  I will get her to write it and I will add it too.

After arriving, Piper screamed for about the first hour of life.  They went and cleaned her up before they gave her to me and then she just laid on my chest crying.  I didn't really even see what she looked like until she was about a half hour old.  But when I did, I saw such a beautiful baby!  I am already so in love with this sweet little Piper Jane.  I am so lucky to have her as my daughter and to get to raise her and watch her grow. 

Welcome to our little family Piper Jane!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Long Time Coming...

It dawned on my today how long this little baby girl has been in making.  Today is my little nephew, Grayson's, 2nd birthday which means that it has been 2 years today since Jason was at the same hospital that we are going to be having our little baby within the next couple weeks having a surgery trying to make it possible to be able to have more babies.  That surgery took place after about 2 years of trying to concieve before that. 

That means that it has been 4 YEARS since we started this long process of bringing a second child into our home, and the day is so close that she will finally be here!  I am so incredible thankful for Emerson the past 4 years.  He has gotten me through a lot of rough patches, but I am so excited to welcome our new little girl to be apart of our little family. 

Friday, September 14, 2012


Emerson started preschool on Tuesday at a local church preschool.  He has loved his first week.  He loves that he gets to take his BATMAN backpack.  He loves getting to play outside with other kids his age.  He loves getting snacks (though this week he got cupcakes everyday since they have been catching up on the summmer birthdays).  Since it is a church Preschool, they learn a lot about Jesus.  They sing songs about him and learn how to pray.
Everyday when Emerson gets to school he has to find his cubby and hang up his backpack and then he finds his name and gets to practice writing his name.  It is awesome the improvement that I have seen even this first week in his name writing.  I can't wait for the end of the year to see how much his writing will improve.
Some fun things about Emerson:
He loves anything with letters and numbers on it.  One of his favorite things to do in the car is read all the license plates as we pass them. 
He is starting to be a great reader.  He is getting really good at sounding out words and figuring out what they are supposed to say.
He is becoming great at playing pretend.  He loves playing pretend "Lego Batman" and going arond fighting all the bad guys and saving the day.
His favorite pass time is playing the Wii with Daddy.  It is the best part of the day when he convinces Daddy to play Lego Batman or Lego Star Wars with him.
He is a great friend.  He is always ready to give a friend a hug when they need it.  He is the best hugger too by the way.
He is so excited to be a big brother.  He is always talking to the baby and telling us what he is going to share with her.  He also prays for her everyday,
He is the sweetest most energetic kid I know.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Nearing the end...

 I am so excited for my baby girl to get here! I have loved this pregnancy, but I am so ready for her to be here in my arms. I am excited to share her with Jason and Emerson. I can't wait to see what she looks like and what all her temperments are. I will miss my big belly and feeling her in me, but having her in my arms will make me forget about all that pretty quickly. 
Pictures taken at week 36.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{Week 21} Baby Kicks

I love feeling my baby move. 

I started VERY faintly feeling her at 17.5 weeks.  She has been a really faint kicker, usually right in my bladder everytime.  When we went to the ultrasound, the tech was surprised that I haven't felt her more just because of the amount that she was moving the whole ultrasound. 

This week, her kicks are becoming stronger and more frequent.  I love the reminder that my sweet little baby girl is in me growing and developing.  I love that I get these special moments with her.

Last night while trying to go to sleep.  She decided that it was time to start moving.  She had started kicking my in my left side, where I had never felt her kick before.  I was able to hurry and grab Jason's hand and put it on there just in time for her to give the kicking show of her life.  She had never moved around so much and so strong..like she knew that her Daddy was there.  I loved getting so share our baby with Jason for a moment before he nodded off to sleep.

I am so excited to get my baby girl here and in my arms.
I am already so smitten by her.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First Dentist trip

Today, we took Emerson to the dentist for the first time.  He did a great job.  At first, the hygentist introduced him to all of the instuments and told him exactly what she was going to do.  Then he got to choose a pair of sunglasses to wear while she did the cleaning.  Then she cleaned and flossed his teeth.  He did great!  He just didn't like the light shining on his face, even with the sunglasses.  I was so proud of him for being so good while sitting on the chair. 

We had been preparing him for the trip for a while, and he was so proud when the dentist said his mouth was nice and healthy.  Then the dentist gave him a bunch of prizes, one being a timer to know that he has brushed long enough.  He loved it. 

Here he is with his newly cleaned, cavity free smile!

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's A...

It took Emerson to the ultrasound with me--just in case the baby ended up being a girl.  He has been informing us for a few weeks that if the baby is a girl, then he won't be a good boy anymore.  I have been having trouble with this.  Letting him know that I don't get to choose.  So I thought that it would be good for him to hear it from someone else and see the baby on the screen.  He was so excited to see the baby.  When the tech said "It's a Girl", I said "YAY!".  Then Emerson immediately responded with a "Oh...".  He was definately disappointed, but is getting more excited as time passes a little.  He loved watching the baby GIRL move and jump. 

She is a mover.  At one point the tech said "This baby is a bit on the naughty side" because she wouldn't stop moving long enough to get measurements.  I am so excited for our little girl to join our family.  She is going to be so loved...even if Emerson is not going to be a good boy anymore.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

{20 Weeks} Mommy and Emerson

I am so lucky to be Emerson and soon to be baby's mom.  I am so in love with my two babies.  They are the world to me.
I love that Emerson is already in love with this baby.  He sings to the baby, tells the baby jokes, and just loves on the baby all the time.  He is going to be a great big brother. 
Me at 20 weeks. 
HALF WAY THERE!  I can't wait to hold my baby in my arms.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Emerson and the Baby

Emerson had a rough start with this prenancy. When we first told him he didn't really get it. Then I explained it to him more and he did not like this idea of another kid coming into the family. In fact on the day that I told him, we went to playgroup and I was holding my friend's baby. He came up to me and said "Give that baby back, I DO NOT want a baby at my home." This made me a little sad since I am so excited for the baby.

The next day I asked Emerson what we would name the baby if it was a boy and this made him a little more excited and he responded immediately, "Kent Clark".  Then I asked him if it was a girl, "Ava, no Kent Clark too".  Apparently if this baby come out either gender we have a name for it...Kent Clark...lets hope for it to be a boy with a name like that. :)

Emerson has started to get excited for the baby to come.  He was actually who announced to my sisters that I was pregnant because he was so excited.  I had a whole plan of sending them Valentines with an announcement on it, but we were Skyping and Emerson just blurted out..."My mommy is having a baby."  It was so cute.  I couldn't have announced it better.
This is the Valentine I was going to send out with Sour Patch Kids:

Whenever I tell Emerson I am going to the doctor, he gets really concerned that the doctor is going to "take all your blood and pop the baby out".  We have tried to explain to him that the baby isn't going to be here for a long time and that Mommy's belly is going to have to get a whole lot bigger before the baby comes.  But every time the Dr. visits come, he is convinced that I will be coming home with a baby.  It is so sweet.
After I was having such a hard time at the start of my pregnancy, I was put on rest which included picking up Emerson.  Emerson never was a kid that wanted to be held until that happened and he could tell that something was different and wanted me to hold him all the time.  It just broke my heart everytime that I had to say that I couldn't hold him.  I would sit down and let him come on my lap and give me snuggles though which somewhat helped.  I didn't realize how often I have to pick him up though.  I have to anytime he gets into a cart or on a swing...There are just tons of things that we have had to figure out new ways to make it work.  Emerson had had to become a lot more independent this past few months.  He is really impressing me with how much of a big boy he is becoming.  

He is starting to really love this baby.  He loves to come up and hug and kiss my belly and whenever he is laying near me he goes and rubs my belly to rub the baby.  He loves dancing and he tells me that when ever he is dancing the baby is dancing inside of me too.  Which by the amount the baby moved on the ultrasound and everytime we try to get it's heartbeat I believe that it is always dancing with Emerson.  I can't wait for the baby to move to the point that Emerson can feel his baby sibling.  He is going to love that.  He is already such a great big brother...even with the rough start.