1. I went to the fertility doctor yesterday and found out that I get to start on fertility drugs at the end of the month! I cannot wait to see if they work! Hopefully there will be a baby Bills in the not to near futere :)
2. I have recently been introduced to a scrapbooking/stamping company called Close to my Heart (CTMH). I am absolutely in love with their stuff. Today I bought a lot of their products--a lot! I actually had a party on Wednesday with their products, so I got a bunch of free product too...what can be better than free product.
3. Today is my first day off from babysitting Brooklyn. She is such a doll. I love babysitting her. It is fun having a baby around, but that I can send home at the end of the day.

4. I went to JoAnn and started to look for fabric for my curtains--for my front room. I have decided on a paisley fabric that is in bright greens, reds, blues. It is so pretty. As soon as I buy and make the curtains, I will post it up here.
5. We FINALLY got around to buying blinds! We got them from SelectBlinds.com. I am so excited to be able to not have light blaring in my eyes when I wake up.
6. Jason got me all the Sims expansion packs for Christmas this year, so I have finally got around to putting them on the computer and playing. I have so much fun playing this game--especially now that I have found cheat codes :)
7. I was asked to walk a dog for a lady that I visit teach. I cannot stand dogs...and this has reminded me of it even more. They stink, they are loud, and they are ugly. So today I am now even more happy that I am dogless!
8. I love TiVo. Today I was able to sit and watch a ton of my shows that I have been wanting to watch all week. I loved "The Office" from last night. It was so funny--as it is always! It is about time that there was a new one.
9. I have lived here now long enough to finally feel like I have some good friends. Yesterday, I went over to my friend Katie's house. She told me that she was getting Jessica deprieved because when Jason was in Japan, we saw each other everyday...mainly because she fed me every night and I babysat her baby on Wednesday mornings. I am happy that I have friends that miss when I am not around.
10. Today I am most happy because it is date night! It finally has warmed up this week, so I was thinking that we are going to do something outside...maybe a picnic and some boche ball?
That is all for today! I want to know all my sisters top ten things that are making them happy today.