I have been trying to get all ready for him to come. I have been working hard on the bedding. I will get pictures of that up as soon as I get it done. I am really loving how it is turning out. I have been focusing on getting the baby's room all decorated, so the rest of my house has been neglected. So, hopefully I will be able to get the rest of the house baby ready before he comes.
At church yesterday, I was stopped in the halls by everyone asking me when I was done. Everyone commented on how I looked like I was about to pop. That is how I feel too. I haven't gained a lot of weight this pregnancy, but in the past couple weeks, I have grow 4 inches at the belly. I can't believe how big I am getting. I love having a big belly...we are just hoping that doesn't mean that I am going to have a huge baby.
Here are some pictures of me at 35 and a half weeks (They aren't that great, but I just wanted to get some while it was decent weather outside). I can't believe that I am so close to being done. I am to the point of no sleep, a constantly sore back, major heartburn nonstop, going to the bathroom every 10 minutes, being kicked in the same spot of the ribs every few minutes, and waddling every where I go. I can't wait to be finished. Jason thinks it is funny because I randomly say "ouch" under my breath all the time. The end of pregnancy is PAINFUL, but I know that every second is worth it. I am just now counting down the days and praying that I am not late!